Did you know that the majority of people can only remember seven pieces of information at any one time? If a person is presented with more than this amount they tend to cluster or bundle the information together. Have you ever written down a list of items and then tried to remember them? Chances are you didn't fair that well. So how can you apply this technique to your business and create more eager buyers? First of all you want to have a look at how your website is set up. Do you have a store front on your page? If so, is it easy to find products, do you have categories set up or not? Just by organizing your store, and this can apply to a physical store as well, you make it much easier for customers to find what they want. Of course, when they know where and how to find items they will purchase them. Keeping the short term memory idea in place, we can take this and apply it to how you actually package your products. Remember who doesn't love a sale or special offer? Just about everyone does, it's a great incentive to getting a great deal while stocking up on certain items. Take a look at your products and see if you can bundle up related ones together. Then simply price these at a great discount and give your customers an offer they can't refuse! If the price is good enough, people will still purchase even if they have one of the items or products already. The offer is just that good. Another idea is to bundle up a couple of products and then run them as a time limited event. Weekend special deals normally go over really well with customers. You can also bundle up products as your stock becomes depleted. Take an older product and include with a brand new product and offer a discount on it. It is possible to get quite creative with this bundling process. You can easily add a ton of perceived value to a certain product by including something else
with it. This can be applied to physical products as well as digital ones. Put your thinking cap on and get a little creative. Always keep in mind that buyers love a special deal and want to feel as though they are appreciated as a customer. What better way to do this than by running special offers that include more than one product? !
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